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Bishopswood School

Bishopswood School

Part of The Propeller Academy Trust


  • To develop confident and successful pupils who enjoy and contribute to their own learning.
  • Pupils to be resilient, hardworking, and ready to embark on the next phase of their learning.

Our curriculum motivates and inspires all pupils to learn which encourages all pupils to be active learners.  Through acquiring these skills pupils have access to other subjects through our broad and balanced curriculum.  Ultimately, we intend to prepare pupils for an adult life in which they have the greatest possible degree of independence and success.


Our Core Pathway focusses on a personalised curriculum that follows subject specific learning.  A range of approaches and teaching styles are used to ensure that every pupil has every opportunity to progress.  These approaches are practical, visual and focuses on embedding concrete learning prior to any abstract teaching.  A focus on social communication, self-regulation and emotional regulation is weaved throughout all lessons.

Pupils follow subject specific learning.  Through our curriculum each subject provides a broad, balanced, relevant and meaningful curriculum.  This will often mean pupils go out and about in the community to make their learning come to life.  This allows pupils to acquire skills, knowledge and understanding of the subjects appropriate to their stage of learning.

Curriculum subjects taught are:
Communication, Language and Literacy

  • Reading
  • Writing
  • Phonics

Problem solving and reasoning 

  • Number and Place Value
  • Calculations
  • Shape, Space and Measure

Independent Living skills

  • PSHE including RSE
  • Careers
  • Internet Safety

Physical Development

  • PE
  • Swimming

In order to ensure subjects are meaningful for our pupils the following subjects are taught in a thematic way where possible:

Creative and Leisure

  • Art and Design and Technology
  • Music

Knowledge and Experience of the World

  • Geography and History
  • RE
  • ICT
  • Science

Through skilled planning and delivery, we ensure our Curriculum secures breadth and balance in a meaningful way


Pupils will be independent learners that enjoy learning challenges.  They will have an awareness of how to tackle these challenges in an increasingly independent way.  Pupils show sustained improvement in finding ways to improve their wellbeing/behaviour.

Pupils make expected or better progress from their starting points allowing challenging goals to be set and achieved as they progress through their schooling.

Pupils will reach their full potential and have the opportunity to achieve qualifications, appropriate to their stage, to celebrate these achievements.  These achievements will help them progress to the next stage of their education and ultimately into adulthood.  This is shown through the clear assessment cycle within the school showing individual pupil progress.  These assessments in turn inform planning and targets for personalised learning.