In conjunction with the Local Authority (LA), pupils are only admitted to the school with a Education, Health and Care Plan (EHCP). We do accept children from other LAs. Parents considering whether to send their child to Bishopswood School are welcome to visit with their child, please telephone the school for more details.
Our catchment area covers much of South Oxfordshire, including Goring, Wallingford, Watlington, Henley, Sonning Common and the surrounding rural area. In addition, some pupils live in neighbouring unitary authorities for example Reading and Wokingham.
All requests for a place at the school are dealt with by the Education Officer at the LA. Only pupils with an EHCP who have SLD/PMLD/complex needs and ASD are eligible for admission (OCC Special Admission criteria). The Education Officer will request a place at the school and the Headteacher and Chair of Governors make the decision whether the SEN can be met and whether there are places available (depending on current number of pupils on roll). Places can be offered at any time of year and to pupils of eligible age.
Pupils transferring from foundation provision elsewhere may be considered for a place in the primary department in the term they are 5 years old. Early and late transfers between departments are considered depending on the needs of the child.
For further information, please refer to the Bishopswood School section of the Propeller Academy Trust Admissions Policy.