Here parents of children at Bishopswood School can find information to help them support their children's learning at home.
See our Pupil Zone page for our home learning links including how to log into Google classroom and how to stay safe on-line. Here is the link to the Bishopswood school online learning:
Bishopswood School on-line. See the resources page and our curriculum pages for more ways you can help support your child's education at home.
Parents/carers may be interested in Pod-Ability, Variety's regular podcast series which explores the unseen, complex challenges facing the parents and families of disabled children, offering in-depth discussion as well as practical suggestions and signposting. You can listen at
Their closed Facebook group offers a safe, private, supportive and understanding space to talk about issues raised by each episode of PodAbility with like-minded parents and families of children with special educational needs and disabilities.