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Bishopswood School

Bishopswood School

Part of The Propeller Academy Trust

Our communication pathway is designed to ensure that we are developing confident communicators. This is at the heart of all we do and underpins the curriculum planning and delivery.


  • To build on functional communication skills so that pupils can apply these through structured play and learning activities linked to our Curriculum.
  • To allow every pupil to enjoy learning and make progress through broad and balanced learning experiences. 

A high priority for real life learning that develops social communication skills to support pupils in working alongside and with others. Pupils accessing these areas will develop basic functional skills of reading, writing and number skills at their appropriate stage.

Our Communication Pathway focuses on a personalised curriculum that includes a range of highly visual, concrete approaches and teaching styles following our Curriculum.  A focus on functional communication, sensory regulation and active engagement underpins the subjects taught.

The Curriculum is taught through a mix of subject specific learning and a thematic approach.  This ensures that learning is meaningful and uses concrete real-life learning wherever possible. Following the focus for communication, communication skills are fully integrated into these subjects and is the platform for learning the new skills needed.

Subject specific lessons taught are:

  • Communication, Language and Literacy
    • Phonics (incl reading and writing), hand function, sensory story, communication group, out and about in the community
  • Problem solving and reasoning
    • Concrete Maths, shopping
  • Independent Living skills
    • PSHE including RSE and going out and about in the community
  • Physical Development
    • PE
    • Swimming

Subjects taught thematically are:

  • Art and DT
  • Science
  • History
  • Geography 
  • RE
    Music and ICT are important subjects and are really engaging for our pupils. Through skilled planning and delivery, these subjects are weaved within all subjects and are used as vehicles to ensure pupils find subjects engaging and accessible at all stages.

Pupils make expected or better progress from their starting point and through the best communication method for their needs. Pupils are able to use English and Maths functionally. They will be able to communicate their need in an appropriate way allowing them to make the right choices for their wellbeing/behaviour.  Pupils will be able to see the purpose of learning and enjoy being active learners that seek new ways to make progress. This is shown through the clear assessment cycle within the school showing individual pupil progress. These assessments in turn inform planning and targets for personalised learning to allow each pupil to reach their full potential.