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Bishopswood School

Bishopswood School

Part of The Propeller Academy Trust


Bishopswood School Association (BSA) aim to bring together the whole school community, whether that be to meet other parents for support or to fundraise to enable school to buy extras for our children at school.  All parents are automatically part of the BSA and we hope you will join with us for at least some of our activities.  We encourage you to come along, and get involved. It's great fun and benefits all the children! 

The BSA is a registered charity (Charity No: 291122) and our aim is to raise funds to buy specialist equipment for the children of Bishopswood School to enable them to reach their full potential.  As we are a small school the BSA requires as much support as possible from the community.  Please donate to support our cause. 

Please do get in contact if you would like to find out more about BSA or if you can help with organising fundraising projects or supporting at events by emailing

See the pages on the right for what's on, photos from our recent events, and to see how we fundraise.

Remember to follow BSA on the following facebook pages:

Facebook page - Families of Bishopswood Special School
 Facebook Page - Charity and fundraising

Our dedicated committee are:
Chair - Kayleigh Simmons
Vice Chair - Steph Glynn
Treasurer - Ruth Potter
Secretary - Chantal Lewis
and you can contact them by emailing: