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Bishopswood School

Bishopswood School

Part of The Propeller Academy Trust


Bishopswood School take safeguarding and child protection very seriously.  Our Child Protection and Safeguarding Policy (attached below) provides clear direction to all school stakeholders about expected practice in dealing with safeguarding issues.  It makes explicit the school’s commitment to the development of good practice and effective procedures, ensuring that safeguarding concerns and referrals are handled sensitively, professionally and in a way that supports and protects the needs of the child.

Our Designated Safeguarding Lead (DSL) is our Deputy Headteacher Lorraine Green, who you can contact by email on or by phone 0118 972 4311

Our deputy DSLs (DDSL) are our Headteacher, Priya Bhagrath, and our Assistant Headteachers Fay Bjornstad and Sukh Colebourne.  You can email them on or call on 0118 972 4311 or call on 0118 972 4311

If none are available, please report your concerns to Mark Winch (Safeguarding Governor) via the School Office 0118 972 4311.

Here are links to the key safeguarding documents for our school:

If you have any concerns regarding the safety and well-being of any pupils, please report to one of the Designated Teachers for Safeguarding.  

If none of the above are available then please report to Jo Lloyd (Local Authority Designated Officer) (01865 810603 or

In the event of an incident occurring outside of school hours 

If you believe that a child is in immediate danger or at risk of harm, a referral should be made to the MASH (0345 050 7666) and/or the Police (101/999) immediately

Click on the link for the latest advice to parents and carers on keeping children safe from harm.

Keeping children safe from harm

EAL (English as an additional language)

Please click in the link below to find resources aimed at supporting pupils online in a wide range of languages.

EAL online support

Early Help

What is an Early Help Assessment?

The Early Help Assessment is a way of working with children and young people. It involves listening to you and your child to find out your child’s needs, and what is working well in your child’s life. An action plan, agreed with you and your child, is also put in place to make sure your child gets the right sort of help. The Early Help Assessment is voluntary – you and your child can choose to be involved.

How will The Early Help Assessment help my family?

The Early Help Assessment exists to help you support your child. It can lead to a quick solution or help to identify extra support if needed. The Early Help Assessment will ensure that everyone involved with your child – such as teachers and health visitors – works together to support your child. The Early Help Assessment will help your child receive the right support at an early stage before their needs increase which can be much more difficult to help you with. As The Early Help Assessment is a shared assessment, you and your child will not have to repeat the same story to different workers.

When is The Early Help Assessment used?

The Early Help Assessment can be used if you or someone who works with your child would like your child to receive extra support. It will help to identify your child’s additional needs, and other workers required to support your family.

Please see contact details for LCSS at the bottom of the page.