Propeller Academy Trust
Please click here to view the Trust wide Statutory policies for:
- Attendance
- Charging and Remissions
- Complaints
- Whistleblowing
"The Relationship and Sex Education Policy was co-created with a parent representative group and a period of consultation"
Bishopswood School
Please click on the relevant file at the bottom of the page to view the Bishopswood School Statutory policies.
*Please note that there is currently no Uniform Policy, however guidance can be accessed by clicking here
School Opening Hours
Please click here to access information regarding the official start and end times per day for the Primary and Secondary sites.
Gender Pay Gap Information
N/A. There are less than 250 employees working across the Trust
Modern Slavery Act Statement
N/A. Trust annual turnover is less than £36 million
Time Taken off by Staff Who are Union Officlas to Carry Out Union Duties
N/A. There are no staff union officials
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